Cleaning Blind Spot in Your Home: Complete Guide

beautiful young woman moping an oven with a cloth

Cleaning Blind Spot in Your Home: Complete Guide

By : Charlotte
When people clean their home, they pay maximum attention to those spots that are easily visible. Places that are partially visible remains at the bottom of the priority list while the blind spots usually get overlooked. And as a result of that, these spots become very difficult to clean over time! A lot of people prefer to hire experts who provide cheap bond cleaning in Hobart. They follow a cleaning checklist to make sure every post in the home gets through cleaning. You can also follow a similar list to clean your home. Here is a complete guide on cleaning blind spots in your home. Let’s have a look!


If you think that your kitchen is perfectly clean just because to wipe down the countertop, sink, stovetop and sweep the floor every day, then you should think again. There are several blind spots in the kitchen that people usually forget to clean. To clean your kitchen perfect, you must pay attention to these spots from time to time. Top of the Upper Cabinets and shelves As this spot is not easy to access, people ignore the cleaning. Over time, it collects a lot of dirt and dust. So make sure you clean this spot. Clean your appliances The appliance-like dishwasher and oven do not get proper cleaning from inside. Thus, you should clean them thoroughly at least once in 2 weeks. Top and bottom of Refrigerator You might clean the front side of the refrigerator daily or every week, but the top and bottom of the refrigerator hardly get attention. So make sure you clean both the sides. Inside the kitchen drawers Remove all the small containers and other similar things from the kitchen drawers and then clean it with vinegar and water solution. Garbage Disposal To clean Garbage Disposal, use lemon and ice. The lemon will remove the bad odour while ice will sharpen the blades.


Majority of the people do not like to clean their bathroom. It takes a lot of time and efforts to get rid of the germs and dirt from the bathroom. Thus, people usually focus only on the most important spots like toilet, bathtub, sink, etc. and the blind spots get entirely ignored. That is why many people prefer to hire professionals who perform bond cleaning in Hobart. If you want to clean your bathroom thoroughly, you must pay attention to the following spots. Toothbrush holder People do not pay attention to the cleaning of the toothbrush holder, which often has mould and yeast. Exhaust fan It is one of the blind spots in your bathroom, which quickly accumulate a lot of dust. So make sure you include it in your cleaning checklist. Shower curtain rod If you want to make your bathroom really sparkle than clean everything in your bathroom, including the shower curtain rod. Bathroom Drain To clear the gunk present in the bathroom drain, use the combination of vinegar and baking soda. Professionals who offer eco-friendly bond cleaning in Hobart also use this combination.

Living and Bedroom

Like your kitchen and bathroom, the living room, as well as the bedroom, also has several blind spots. As these spots do not get proper cleaning, the dirt and germs do not get out of your house completely. You can either clean these spots on your own or contact a reliable bond cleaning company in Hobart. They follow a checklist to make sure every corner of your house gets cleaned. Window blinds If you have aluminium blinds, try the combination of liquid soap and cold water. If it is plastic, then use warm water and white vinegar. Mattress  You might be washing your bed sheet and pillow cover but cleaning the mattress is also very important. So, clean it at least once a month. Under and behind the furniture People do not forget to clean their costly furniture, but they often neglect the spots behind and under the furniture. If it is difficult for you, contact experienced bond cleaners in Hobart. Baseboard When you clean your walls, you must pay attention to the baseboard. You can use liquid soaps and a soft sponge to clean the blind spot. Ceiling fans and light fittings To appropriately clean the ceiling, fans and light fittings use a step ladder. Climb on it so that you can easily reach the spot and clean it with a microfiber duster.

Common Blind Spots

There are also some common blind spots in the house that need proper cleaning from time to time. The best way to make sure that you do not skip any blind spots is to following a cleaning checklist while cleaning the house. Ceiling corners Use a long-handled broom or a vacuum cleaner with an extended hose to remove cobwebs from the ceiling corners. Doorknobs Clean the doorknobs or handles of all the rooms with soapy water. After cleaning, use disinfectant wipes to sanitise them. Professionals, who perform bond cleaning in Hobart, never forget to clean this blind spot. Under the carpets You might be cleaning your carpets but have ever cleaned the surface under the carpets? There can be a lot of dust, moulds, and other harmful substance. So clean it properly. Behind the photo frames The surface behind the photo frames is also one of the common blind spots. So, after you clean the frames, remove them and clean the surface behind them. Air ventilation ducts Cleaning air ventilation ducts on your own can be a challenging task. So, it is advisable to hire experts who offer reliable bond cleaning in Hobart.

The Bottom Line

It is perfectly fine to pay more attention to the spots with maximum visibility, but comprehensive cleaning of your home is incomplete with cleaning the blind spots. That is why you should always use a checklist for cleaning. If you are planning to clean your home anytime soon, then include the spots mentioned above in your checklist.