7 Expert Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Clean And Sanitised
When it comes to cleaning and sanitation – the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your house. It is where all the food and drinks are prepared or cooked for consumption by household members. The risk of cross-contamination is highest in the kitchen where all the raw meat, eggs, dairy, vegetables, and […]
How To Find A Good Cleaning Service In Hobart
Finding a good cleaning service can be a challenging task, particularly for anyone who hasn’t hired a professional before. You might be collecting a lot of information and expect to complete the task perfectly. However, too much information can also lead to confusion. Sorting different websites, speaking with the service provider and getting quotes could […]
The Thanksgiving Host’s Complete Cleaning Checklist
As Thanksgiving is around the corner, you must be planning to organise a party for your family and friends. It is one of those special days when you cook delicious food for your loved ones, share some great moments with them and experience the warmth of togetherness. However, preparing for this day can be stressful. […]
Cleaning Habits From A Microbiologist For A Healthy Home
There is no secret behind keeping a house clean and disinfected. If you want to ensure a healthy and hygienic living environment, follow the right methods to banish germs, bacteria and viruses lurking on common surfaces around the home. However, there is a lot of myth regarding tiny organisms, contaminated surfaces and cleaning hacks available […]
7 Household Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix
Choosing eco-friendly cleaning products over conventional ones have become the need of an hour. Most of the fancy household cleaners available on the market contain hazardous chemicals that are dangerous for human beings as well as our ecosystems. Of course, they can help you get rid of tough stains, built-up grease and mould without much […]
How To Remove Limescale From Toilets?
Limescale spots and stains are familiar sights in bathrooms. These stains are brown or green chalky looking deposits that typically line the inner corners of the toilet. The presence of limescale has less to do with your cleaning frequency and more to do with the minerals present in hard water. You may clean the toilet […]
The Best DIY End Of Lease Cleaning Tips
The lure of living in a beautifully-developed city like Hobart is a dream of everyone. The capital city of Tasmania is home to spectacular landscapes, well-preserved heritage buildings, and busy shopping streets. It is one of the ideal places to live and study in Australia. If you are looking for a rental property in Hobart, […]
How Clean Should A Rental House Be Before Moving In?
When people move out of a rental property, they make efforts to clean it thoroughly because the refund of the security deposit depends on it. However, not many people give importance to the cleanliness of a rental house when they move in. It can be a little risky from the health perspective. Your new rental […]
Cleaning Blind Spot in Your Home: Complete Guide
When people clean their home, they pay maximum attention to those spots that are easily visible. Places that are partially visible remains at the bottom of the priority list while the blind spots usually get overlooked. And as a result of that, these spots become very difficult to clean over time! A lot of people […]
How To Make Your House Smell Good All the Time?
One of the most prominent marks of a clean home is that it doesn’t have any odour or foul smell which is why some homes smell better than others. A clean and good smelling home is not only welcoming, but it is also sanitary to live in because the indoor air quality is better. However, […]